Principal’s message to families – 31st January 2025
Keep upto date with everything going on at Dawn House School!

Principal’s message to families – 31st January 2025
Engage Develop Aspire Communicate
Our vision: Working towards successful futures
Another Friday!
In our end of week briefing, we have just celebrated another great week.
The house event on Tuesday was a real success- children in their mixed age groups accessed lots of musical, artistic, edible and creative events, that had the school buzzing! We have reflected though that we may need to add in another house or two, as the school has grown so much- both children and staff! The pupil leadership group will be discussing this next week and hopefully will come up with some new animal house names for us to consider.
Please do have a look at our day!
House Event: Celebrating Creativity Through the Arts – Dawn House School
6th formers visited a program called ‘Golden Threads’- they visited a local dog rescue centre in preparation for a fundraising cake sale next week: 🐾 6th Formers Supporting Local Dog Rescue! 🐾 – Dawn House School
KS3AD parents- ask your children about the Galleries of Justice! I’m sure they had a great time in Nottingham today
How Safe is WhatsApp for Children – NSPCC
WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging apps, used by over 2 billion people in 180 countries. It allows you to send and receive messages, as well as make voice and video calls. You can connect with people individually
or join group chats where lots of people can contribute. All you need to set up a WhatsApp account is a phone number. However, children and young people can easily subvert the restrictions placed on its access. Although rated at 16+, all that is required is a phone number. All it takes is one child in a class to be on WhatsApp and all the others will wish to join. This can lead to increased vulnerabilities for child users. The NSPCC has released its own analysis about the dangers of the app. If interested, please follow the link below:
Is WhatsApp safe for my child? | NSPCC
Watch this space for some amazing work produced by all groups in IT this week about keeping safe online. They have been so very busy! Mr Ellis is going to have a busy weekend editing all of the films for our safer internet day assembly
on Monday! This week in assembly we heard all about the Holocaust Memorial Day. It was very though provoking and reminded us about the importance of learning from history and reflected our school ethos about being kind to each
Communication information
A reminder that your first port of call for communication with school, in MOST cases, should be with your child’s form tutor or the Key Stage Lead Practitioner. If you contact anyone else in school, please copy them in so they are aware
of your communication.
Have a good weekend,