Key Stage 4
Tailored Learning Paths for Every Key Stage 4 Pupil

Key Stage 4 at Dawn House School:
Key Stage 4 is split into three class groups with pupils streamed based on their academic confidence levels and therapeutic needs – helping to ensure all pupils are provided with an appropriate peer group. Subjects are delivered on a 2-year rolling programme through Key Stage 4 to allow for this grouping approach to be successful.
The Learning Environment:
Dawn House School provides a dynamic learning environment where pupils benefit from accessing subject-specific classrooms, each equipped to support focused and engaging instruction in areas such as Science, Art, Computing and more.
In Key Stage 4 pupils start and end their day in their form room, where they register and connect with their form tutor, offering a consistent point of contact and support. This structure allows students to experience a varied and stimulating curriculum within spaces tailored to each subject, while also ensuring they have a familiar room and teacher to return to each day. This approach promotes a sense of belonging alongside specialised learning opportunities.
The Curriculum:
Our bespoke curriculum allows opportunities for their future and helps create successful, independent and unique young people. The curriculum is tailored to each child’s expertise/interest in preparation for life when they leave our school.
During Key Stage 4 all pupils have the opportunity to achieve nationally recognised qualifications in Maths, English and Science. This can be through Entry Level, Functional Skills and in some instances GCSE. We provide a flexible offer which allows pupils to work to the best of their ability in a range of subject areas. All pupils in Key Stage 4 are also provided with the opportunity to study History, Geography, Computing, PSHE, Life Skills and GCSE Art as part of their core offer.
All Key Stage 4 pupils also select their own Vocational Options which run over 4 sessions a week. Dawn House School offer a wide variety of Aim Awards, Entry Level and ASDAN qualifications that range from Entry Level 1 to Level 1 Certificates. You can find out more about our Vocational Options by clicking on the link below.