

We love hearing from the school community about what Dawn House does best!

Today I asked my child how his day was and he went on to tell me, "I was playing on the climbing frame in the playground, I put my leg in the hole and I almost fell down. So I hurt my leg." You can see that he meant that he surely fell down but instead he said almost. This is the most descriptive sentence I have ever got out of him when asked how was your day.

Thank you very much for the tour today. I was absolutely blown away by the total communication and sensory environment that Dawn House provides. You provide everything that my son has needed for many years. I have seen many special schools over the years but your school is the only one that I can see my son fits in and could see how his needs would be met.

I have been privileged to meet and become friends with so many educated, kind hearted people here. The support network from my colleagues is nothing I have ever had before in any of my other jobs. We are offered so much training to make sure we can support our students and progress in our employment.

It is the small steps/goals achieved by the students that make my day. The OT team is a great team to work with and all the staff are supportive throughout the school.