Strategies for Summer and Play Workshop A Success with Parents
Andrea Robinson, Head of Therapy and Assessment Service and Kelly Fedun, Deputy Principal facilitated the Strategies for Summer and Play workshop on Saturday 19th June. Parents who attended said it was an informative, practical and useful session to think about what play is, the importance of play for language development/social interaction and negotiating skills essential for life.
Kelly demonstrated how to make interesting things to play with from items found in your kitchen cupboard eg. playdough using flour, baby lotion and food colouring and a glow in the dark glitter bottle. Games were left out for parents and staff to play with so that we could all refresh our ideas around play and the benefits of making time for play.
The session came about after feedback from staff and parents about the need to reconnect with their children by developing their play skills in light of the recent Covid-19 restrictions.
If you think that your family or setting would benefit from this workshop, then please do get in touch.