Dawn House School

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World Book Day 2nd March 2023

We are getting ready for World Book Day in school. This year we have decided upon a Harry Potter theme, and Miss Drewnik  (English Lead Teacher ) has put together a host of exciting events , and all pupils are staff are welcome to dress up for the day. 


1.            Cooking - Making Sorting Hat Cupcakes/ Jellybeans memorable experience (brace yourselves! Mrs Cohen (Food Tech Teacher ) is on a mission to tantalise your taste buds!) 

2.            Arts & Crafts - Create Harry Potter wands/ hats/ broomsticks 

3.            PE - Play Quidditch Outside

4.            Forest School - Forbidden Forest

5.            Solving a mystery - game focused on communication and/ or writing using a feather and ink

6.            Harry Potter Quiz Championships - tutor groups in the hall. HP themed reward for the winning team 



* A movie Marathon - two shows in the am & pm 

* Quiet space in one of the classrooms available at all times -decorated/ wigwam, tents, cushions, etc. . Plus, students bring (HP) books to read.

* World Book Delicious Cake and Potions Stalls at breaktimes -  Butterbeer (school version) or Potion .

* paper-based resources/ booklets for anxious pupils in all activity rooms

* online resources/ videos from the WBD main web for remote access

* Book Tokens 
